November 20-21, 2008
Filled with all kinds of new and old games, Chicago's Navy Pier became a kid's dream land when the 'Chicago's Toy and Game Fair' came to town.
Amongst all the new games, some not even clearly released, one of the older all time favorite games was still among the most popular. Chess!
For both days, the Renaissance Knights chess booth was filled with all kinds of players, offering a rest even to parents, many of who took part in a friendly game of chess against their loved ones.
Not everyone was a friendly match though, for both days quick blitz tournaments were held, with prizes for the participants. Also, for those who needed even more of a challenge, chess puzzles were provided and the more daring could play some of our expert teachers.
All was great fun, and was clearly very nice to see that chess is still just as popular even with all the newer games next to the side of the chess booth.
Besides looking at all the games, toy fair goers were able to indulge themselves with the merchandise of many different vendors, a lovely Christmas atmosphere, and a great show performed by many talented kids.
We are very please with everyone that visited us and we hope you had a great time. Look for our RKNIGHTS chess tournament at CHITAG next year! MORE PICS