9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Full Day
Campers will receive instruction from our staff of world class chess educators, all of whom have vast experience teaching children. Campers will be placed into groups based on ability & age & will be led through various activities, including tournaments, blitz, lectures, bughouse, & game analysis. The instructors will cover openings, endgames, tactics, & strategies. Daily physical activities, including swimming & other fun stuff. Ages 6 - 16. *Tuition includes lunch, camp T-shirt, scorebook, certificate with group photo & work folder*.
CAMP SITE: Wright College, 4300 N. Narragansett Ave, Chicago, IL 60634
REGISTRATION FEE: $250 for 5 days of chess, fun activities, lunches & snacks.
ELIGIBILITY: Ages 6 – 16, students of all strengths & experience are invited to attend. Campers will be grouped according to age & ability.
CLOTHING: Wear/bring clothes & shoes for sports activities & swimming.
REGISTRATION: Print out forms below & mail to: Renaissance Knights, PO Box 1074, Northbrook, IL 60065 or register in person at 4300 N. Narragansett, Chicago, RM A120.
PAYMENT: Online, sent in with forms, or in person at Wright College